Професионално направление: 4.4. Науки за Земята
Степен: ОКС „бакалавър”
Специалност: Климатични промени и управление
Форма на обучение: редовно
Продължителност на обучението: 4 учебни години (8 семестъра)
Професионална квалификация: Бакалавър по Климатични промени и управление
Език на преподаване: Aнглийски
Climate Change and Management е бакалавърска програма, изцяло на английски език, с четири годишен курс на обучение. Студентите се обучават по интердисциплинарна програма, която изследва екологичните, социално-икономическите и политическите аспекти на изменението на климата.
Специалността подготвя професионалисти, които притежават разбиране и умения за работа по всички теми, свързани с изменението на климата. Климатичната криза е един от най-сериозните проблеми, пред които е изправено човечеството в момента, с очаквани драматични последици не само за глобалната околна среда, но и за човешкото здраве, благосъстояние и всички икономически сектори. Това поставя набор от нови предизвикателства за обществото и създава голямо търсене на професионалисти с актуални познания и компетентност по отношение на стратегиите, подходите и технологиите за адаптиране и смекчаване на последиците.
Насоченост, образователни цели
Climate change and management BSc is a 4-year English-taught undergraduate interdisciplinary program, which explores the environmental, socio-economic and political aspects of climate change. It prepares graduates with understanding and skills for work in the expanding climate change sector. The climate crisis remains the defining issue of this century with dramatic consequences expected not only for the global environment but also human health, well-being, and all economic sectors. This poses a range of new challenges for society and has created a great demand for professionals with up-to-date knowledge on climate change with competence of adaptation and mitigation strategies, approaches, and technologies.
The education program is spread on 8 semesters and includes two main groups of disciplines: compulsory and elective. In the learning process, students will receive complex interdisciplinary training related to the understanding of changes in the climate, the environment, and the geographical space in general. They will also acquire specialized knowledge related to the use of different approaches, methods and technologies aimed both at the analysis of specialized data and information and at the development and implementation of policies and decisions aimed at the effective adaptation of society, the economy and the environment to the changing climate and its consequences. The main areas of the earth and climate sciences, as well as the social and economic sciences, are represented in the program. It is also intended to acquire the necessary presentation and communication skills that are essential for public understanding of these issues.
Професионални компетенции
The graduates form the program are going to receive bachelor’s degree on climate change and management and going to have professional competences in:
- Understanding climate models and climate projections, and how they can be used to analyze and assess possible future scenarios;
- Using geospatial technologies and Earth observation methods in the analysis and interpretation of climate change problems and their projection on the geography;
- National and international climate policy, and how this policy is applied;
- Climate change effects on biodiversity, societies, and ecosystems, as well as knowledge on ecosystem services and nature-based solutions;
- Transformation of the economy and energy production and use in a more environmentally friendly direction;
- Have the necessary competences in mapping and assessment of climate and natural risks in the planning and management processes;
- Skills and knowledge for developing strategies, actions, and tools for adapting to climate change and mitigating the negative effects for the environment, society, and economy;
- Skills and knowledge to effectively communicate climate change problems and solutions.